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Department Statements

  • A Statement from the UCR Sociology Department Faculty about Anti-Asian Violence

    We, the undersigned faculty of the University of California, Riverside Department of Sociology, stand in solidarity with you and are united against racism, white supremacy, xenophobia, and the violence targeting communities of color, immigrants, and women of color. The recent murder of six Asian American women, including immigrant women in Georgia, at their workplace highlights the ongoing dangers of racism, xenophobia, and misogyny as well as the insufficient protections for workers in our nation. These killings are also rooted in a long history of U.S. war and empire across Asia, and the fetishization of Asian women. We are against all kinds of racial discrimination and social injustice.

    We recognize our responsibilities as faculty at an Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander (AANAP) Serving Institution and a Hispanic Serving Institution. We agree with Distinguished Professor Richard M. Lee (University of Minnesota) who calls on scholars and educators to “take an affirmative and openly public stand against anti-Asian hate and violence not in isolation but in solidarity with the ongoing hate and violence against the Black, Indigenous, Latinx, immigrant, and sexual/gender minority communities.” As he points out, “There is so much more work to be done with educating ourselves, our colleagues, and our students, as well as children, youth, and families in the community, on systemic and structural racism, intentionally working to dismantle these systems and structures, and building solidarity across racial lines.”

    We applaud the resolution passed by ASUCR in February 2021, which puts recent events into context and outlines important steps for addressing racist and xenophobic violence: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rAdWT6ExECQjnbRyw6DFHfdWiA_4eCOaWs5QN4Ll8nA/edit#

    To our undergraduate and graduate students, we stand in solidarity with you. We hope that we can work together with you to educate and learn from each other and address these and other important social problems facing us today, even as we recognize that fully resolving such problems often requires broader structural and systemic changes. Please reach out to us if you need support or guidance. We also encourage you to consider and share this resource list, produced by the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance of the AFL-CI0 available at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fs57dkNG-C6ROcKzyzRXFkBxFna2U9qsjgTjzLMMIOI/edit

    as well as this list of campus resources below which might be helpful to you and/or other students at this time.


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    Steven Brint, Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Public Policy
    Richard M. Carpiano, Professor of Public Policy and Sociology
    Chris Chase-Dunn, Distinguished Professor of Sociology
    Rob Clark, Associate Professor of Sociology
    Rengin Firat, Assistant Professor of Sociology & Neuroscience Graduate Program
    Lucie Kalousova, Assistant Professor of Sociology
    Amy Kroska, Professor of Sociology and Graduate Advisor for Admission
    Chioun Lee, Assistant Professor of Sociology
    Bruce Link, Professor of Public Policy and Sociology
    Matthew Mahutga, Professor of Sociology
    Tanya Nieri, Associate Professor of Sociology and Graduate Advisor for Enrolled Students
    Sharon Oselin, Associate Professor of Sociology & Director of Presley Center of Crime & Justice Studies
    Ellen Reese, Professor and Co-Chair of Sociology and Chair of Labor Studies
    Victoria Reyes, Assistant Professor of Sociology
    Christopher Schmitt, Sociology Lecturer
    Glenn Stanley, Co-Chair of Sociology
    Jan E. Stets, Professor and Director of the Social Psychology Research Laboratory
    Wei Zhao, Associate Professor of Sociology

  • A Statement from the UCR Sociology Department about Police Violence

    We, the faculty of the University of California, Riverside Department of Sociology, stand united against police brutality and racism targeting communities of color and especially Black Americans. This is our message to the community that we are opposed to any form of systemic violence and injustice. Recent murders of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Nina Pop, Tony McDade, and many more before, are deeply painful, inhumane, and outrageous. We share the grief and outrage of our community and recognize that it is our uttermost mission to confront all forms of violence, oppression, and discrimination.

    To our undergraduate and graduate students, we stand in solidarity with you. Please reach out to us if you need support or guidance.


    The faculty of the UCR Sociology