Sociology Internship Course (Sociology 198-I)
How do I do an internship with an organization and obtain course credit through Sociology?
Sociology internships are available for course credit this fall through Sociology 198-I (Individual Internship in Sociology). It’s a great way to learn more about the issues affecting your community & organizational processes, gain hands-on work experience, and give back to your community.
Up to 15 upper-division Sociology majors with senior standing who have earned a C grade or better in Soc 1 (or Soc 1H), Soc 4, and have completed at least 12 units of upper-division sociology course work are eligible to enroll in this internship course. The course is offered for a letter grade and you are expected to complete a weekly journal and summary report along with your voluntary work with a community organization of your choice. For a 4 credit-hour internship, you are expected to spend 12 hours per week on this course, including your volunteer work and course assignments. For a 2 credit-hour internship, you are expected to spend 6 hours per week on the course.
If you want to enroll in this internship course, you will need to do the following:
- Obtain a 198-I enrollment form and other information from the campus internship coordinator located at the Career Center (located in front of the University Lecture Hall and Surge Building, behind the UCR Campus Store).
- Identify a site supervisor from a community organization, group, or company that you would like to work with and set up a conversation in person or by phone (see below for a list of potential site supervisors and how to find one). The purpose of that conversation is to make sure it’s a good match for your internship in terms of your interests, skills, schedule, and the needs and expectations of that organization. Once you identify a site supervisor, you will need to set up a meeting to obtain your site supervisor’s signature in order to enroll in the course.
- Visit the course instructor, Chris Chase-Dunn, during posted office hours in Watkins Hall Room 1221 to obtain approval. If you are unable to visit during posted office hours: Put your 198-I form in Prof. Chase-Dunn’s campus mailbox in Watkins 1211 & e-mail him in order to obtain his approval. Either in person or via e-mail, be sure to provide the course instructor with your name & e-mail address so that he can supervise your coursework and send you information about the course and the orientation meeting.
- Obtain approval from the university internship coordinator located at the Career Center.
- Obtain approval for taking the course from a Sociology Student Adviser (make an appointment). Student Advisers will verify that you meet the course requirements for enrolling in the course and also sign for the Department Chair.
- Obtain approval from the Undergraduate Dean for College of Humanities and Social Sciences, located at 3413 Humanities & Social Sciences (HMNSS) building (NOT the Humanities building). Usually, you drop your form off at the front desk and come back for the form later that day or later in the week.
- Take your completed 198-I form to the registrar’s office at the Student Services building to register for the course no later than the first day of instruction for the quarter in which you are enrolling during the academic year. If you are enrolling in the summer session, you must do turn in your form at least one week prior to the start of the summer session.
- Check your online enrollment to ensure that the 198-I form was processed and that you are officially enrolled in the SOC 198-I course. Be aware that processing the 198-I form is not automatic and can take a while.
How do I find an organization and site supervisor?
You can work with an organization on campus, close to UCR, or close to where you live. If you need help with finding an organization, see the information below.
Potential Sociology Internship Site Supervisors
The organizations and site supervisors listed below have expressed interest in working with UCR sociology student interns this year and are arranged by location. You are free to also find another organization (business, labor, community, or faith-based) near where you live that is willing to supervise your internship. The following websites may be useful in that effort:
Southern California (type in your zip code to find local organizations):
Los Angeles:
The following organizations are currently seeking student interns:
On-campus organizations
http://www.calpirgstudents.org/page/ca/campus-internshipsApply: http://calpirgstudents.org/ca/apply
About: CalPIRG is a statewide, student funded, and student directed non-profit. Since 1972 we’ve had dozens of significant accomplishments ranging from the statewide plastic bag ban to increasing student financial aid by 36 billion dollars. We represent the public interest against powerful special interests that threaten, marginalize, and take advantage of the public. With each campaign we work on, CALPIRG’s goal is both to win the campaign through strategic political action, and to educate, recruit, and train more people to help strengthen the movement at large. In order to accomplish both those missions, we are always working to build coalitions with other groups both on and off campus. We directly lobby in our local political offices, and identify politicians who support with our mission. Our tactics range from direct lobbying, petition drives, rallies, movie screenings, letter writing, and many more. Interns learn communication, campaign, and leadership skills to just name a few.
Contact: Cailyn Nagle at cailyn@calpirgstudents.org or info@calpirgstudents.org
Phone: (213) 251-3680Chicano Student Programs
About: We create a positive environment for Chicano/Latino students at UCR by offering supportive services and programs that encourage academic success and retention. We provide service referral when necessary, and serve as a resource for advocacy, as well.Contact: Estella Acuna at estella.acuna@ucr.edu
Phone: 951-827-3822UCR’s International Affairs Office
About: International Affairs serves as a catalyst, sparking new projects and accelerating existing international activities. International Affairs works with the entire university to increase research opportunities, enhance scholarship and educational programs, strengthen international experiences, and build collaborative partnerships around the world. The International Affairs Office (IAO) consists of three core units: International Affairs Administration, International Students and Scholars, and Education Abroad. International Affairs promotes education abroad programs for students, supports international students and scholars on the UCR campus, and enhances collaborative research opportunities for faculty. These units work collaboratively to expand international opportunities for students, faculty and staff at home and abroad.Interns will perform research, collect data, assemble packets, assist with events logistics, write newsletter articles, assist with website updates and work on special projects for the administrative office (1 intern) of International Affairs and for the Communications Manager (1 intern).
Contacts: Mely Fitzgerald at Mely.Fitzgerald@ucr.edu
Phone: 951-827-5064UCR’s University Eastside Community Collaborative (UECC)
http://www.uecc.ucr.edu/About: The University Eastside Community Collaborative (UECC) strives to improve the lives of youth in the Eastside of Riverside by providing academic assistance in their schools, providing a safe and welcoming after-school environment, and engaging Eastside residents in service to their community. UECC is a partnership among the City of Riverside, Riverside Unified School District, and UC Riverside. The college students serve in 8 schools and 3 community centers, grade K-12, as positive role models. Each year, UECC recruits 80 college students to become year-long AmeriCorps members who mentor and tutor youth to increase academic achievement in Math and/or English Language Arts. Internship duties include providing tutoring services at assigned site, maintaining detailed records of activities and hours served, and participating in community service projects. Internships are paid a bi-weekly living stipend to off-set the costs of volunteering with UECC. Interns become eligible for an education award after completing their term of service with UECC.
Contact: Christine Morgando at uecc@ucr.edu
Phone: 951-827-2514UCR Sports Medicine Internship Program
http://www.gohighlanders.com/sports/2009/4/14/GEN_0414093407.aspx?id=128About: Athletic trainers (ATs) are highly qualified, multi-skilled health care professionals who collaborate with physicians to provide preventative services, emergency care, clinical diagnosis, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions. Athletic trainers work under the direction of a physician as prescribed by state licensure statutes. Athletic training is recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA), Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA), and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as an allied health care profession. It also includes the education and counseling of athletes, parents and coaches about athletic injuries, along with administration and organization of athletic medicine programs. The certified athletic trainer is the primary health care professional who facilitates the medical care at the high school, university, professional, or club levels.
Duties: As a Sports Medicine Intern you will have the opportunity to acquire clinical experience in a medical environment at the Division I level. You will be able to observe how the Sports Medicine Clinic functions and how the Athletic Training medical staff, Athletic Training Graduate Students, including physicians work together to bring the best medical care possible to our athletes. The intern will be able to participate and have ‘hands on’ experience in providing health care to our intercollegiate athletes. Under the direct supervision of the UCR sports medicine staff, the intern will acquire the skills and education necessary to succeed in the medical profession. The educational component consists of attending educational in-services, observing surgeries, giving presentations, research assignments, and other tasks assigned by the staff. Interns will also have responsibilities in assisting with the daily operations of our Sports Medicine Clinic and assist in medical coverage of practices or games. Follow OSHA standards for health and safety. Follow all HIPAA guidelines and regulations.
Contact: Raffy Carpio at raffy.carpio@ucr.edu
Phone: 951-827-3813Women’s Resource Center
http://www.wrc.ucr.edu/About: The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) is a Student Affairs department that provides resources and programs designed to empower you and help you to succeed. Interested in a volunteer internship through the Women’s Resource Center? Select your topic of interest that you want to educate others on. Then let us help you turn that passion into a program! All majors are encouraged to participate.
Contact: Romanie Arterberry at romanie@ucr.edu
Phone: 951-827-3337 Ext 23337
Near campus & accessible by public transportation
AFSCME 3930/United Domestic Workers
About: UDW represents in-home supportive service workers who provide care to our most fragile citizens of California the elderly and disabled. Union membership is very diverse. The care providers and their clients are currently facing cutbacks in services and jobs because of state budget cuts. In addition to phone banking, volunteers might get involved in mobilizing and registering voters for the fall election in support of pro-union candidates, and in support of ballot propositions regarding the state budget. Spanish, Vietnamese, and/or Farsi language ability is a plus but not required. The union’s main office is located in downtown Riverside and easily accessible by public buses.
Contact: Ricardo Cisneros at rcisneros@udwa.org
Phone: 951-333-9657
Office Address: 3600 Lime St, Suite 421, Riverside, CA 92501The 28ers:
https://www.facebook.com/28ersucr/About: The 28ers is nationally recognized non-profit and a post-partisan justice movement that hopes to join forces with organizations, communities and kindred spirits to bring about a paradigm shift that America so desperately needs: to create a 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that forever severs private wealth from politics. On the 28th of every month, we host events across the Inland Empire about how money in politics hurts workers, students, foreign born, our food, the poor, the homeless, immigrants and people who need healthcare. The vision of our movement calls for a one-vote, one-voice democracy by creating a 4th branch of government to oversee, audit and distribute campaign contributions. To do this, we created our own 28th Amendment that was envisioned, drafted and revised over a four-month period. Our Amendment calls for a National Holiday for every election day, and creates a cash lottery system that rewards voter participation across the nation. The Amendment, though, is ultimately a people-powered act of legislation that aims to ban corporations as humans, money as speech, and requires all federal elections to be publicly funded, exclusively. We hope to redress the harms of the 1%, which has limited the growing of a greater democracy from the very beginning of our nation’s history.
We are looking for students interested in the ‘big picture’ and who may or may have not had experience in other social movements, but are still excited by many of the dreams Bernie Sanders envisions. We want students who are disturbed by the adverse affects of legalized bribery in the political system, which makes all solutions for society’s ills impossible to implement. We are also open to students with various strengths and interests, and additionally encourage students to pick intern work that best suits their talents: Website, Twitter & Youtube Management; Campus Advertising and Door-to-Door Canvassing; Outreach and Phone-Banking; Content Development and Research for Our Website; Seeding New Chapters; Planning and Organizing Our Monthly Events; Responding to Queries and Help with Non-Profit Grant Writing. Our main goal, though, is to create new chapters through the UC system, and then build chapters from city-to-city, state-to-state across the nation.
Contact: Matthew Snyder at Matthew.Snyder@ucr.edu
Phone: 951-500-1885Latino Voter Mobilization Project
About: This organization registers and mobilizes Latino voters both on and off-campus, working mostly on electing pro-worker/student/immigrant candidates to local offices, but sometimes on other ballot propositions of interest to Latino voters.
Contact: Francisco Sola at fsola@latinoprojects.org
Phone: 951-780-7206 / (cell) 951-236-0951
Organizations in Riverside & San Bernardino Counties
City News Group
www.citynewsgroup.comAbout: City News Group has brought communities together through news and event information, and has increased community awareness for over 20 years. Through their hard copy and online weekly newspapers, they offer close-to-home news and information that locals continue to value, even in this increasingly fast-paced world. They strive to keep their neighbors informed on what is going on in their back yard. City News Group’s coverage includes what is going on in their community, schools, churches, civic organizations, sports leagues, service clubs, city government and more.
Contact: Malika Miller at editor@citynewsgroup.com
Phone: 909-370-1200Congressman Mark Takano
http://takano.house.gov/About: Mark Takano represents the people of Riverside, Moreno Valley, Jurupa Valley and Perris in the United States Congress. He serves on the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee and the House Education and Workforce Committee. If interested in interning, please call and send a cover letter and resume to Danielle Harden.
Contact: Danielle Harden at Danielle.hardin@mail.house.gov
Phone: 951-222-0203Habitat For Humanity Riverside
About: Habitat for Humanity Riverside is dedicated to eliminating substandard housing locally and worldwide through constructing, rehabilitating and preserving homes; by advocating for fair and just housing policies; and by providing training and access to resources to help families improve their shelter conditions.Contact: Louise Kopitch at lkopitch@habitatriverside.org
Phone: 951-787-6754 Ext. 110Inland Empire Latino Lawyers Association, Inc.
About: Non-profit legal service provider. Interns will assist with documentation preparation of legal forms for low-income individuals.
Contact: Sylvia Quistorf at Squistorf@Iellaaid.Org
Phone: 951-369-5245Mi Familia Vota
http://www.mifamiliavota.org/About: Mi Familia Vota Education Fund (MFVEF) is a national non-profit organization working to unite the Latino community and its allies to promote social and economic justice through increased civic participation. We do this by: (1) Expanding the electorate through direct, sustainable citizenship, voter registration, census education, GOTV and issue organizing in key states; (2) Forming and supporting key alliances at national, state and local levels to increase civic engagement; providing technical assistance and support to other organizations; and (3) Increasing public support for full civic participation in Latino and immigrant communities. We envision a future in which the electorate is energized and empowered, and reflective of the growing diversity in the United States. We work with community based, educational, religious, labor, and other organizations that seek to build civically cognizant and active neighborhoods.
Music Changing Lives
www.musicchanginglives.orgAbout: Music Changing Lives is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization, dedicated to providing music, art and sports programs in America’s public schools and community centers, while raising awareness about the importance of enrichment programs as part of each child’s comprehensive education and lifestyle.
Contact: Josiah Bruny at MusicChangingLives@gmail.com
Phone: 951-992-0721National Community Renaissance
http://nationalcore.org/About: Non-profit property and housing management in Riverside. Interns will be introduced to administrative tasks within the department they work, getting as much hands on experience as possible. They will be assigned different projects within the department so that they have an understanding of how the responsibilities come together.
Contact: Luis Olmos at lolmos@nationalcore.org
Phone: 909-204-3404 or 909-204-3406Omnitrans – San Bernardino County Public Transit
http://www.omnitrans.org/About: Transit center in San Bernardino is seeking interns to assist in clientele, tech, administration, and HR.
Contact: Human Resources 909-379-7260
Operation Safehouse
http://operationsafehouse.org/Operation SafeHouse, with community support, provides emergency shelter, intervention and outreach services to runaway, homeless and other youth in crisis. SafeHouse offers youth positive alternatives to becoming victims of the streets.
Youth Counselor Intern Description: Assists staffs with the supervision of clients, help clients with school work, light office work, light housekeeping, and laundry. Also, keeping the clients involved with activities, and answering crisis calls. Interns should assist staff in providing structure within the SafeHouse program and be a positive role model to the clients. Interns will also be trained in on-line duties such as intakes and departures (paperwork).
Contact: Dana Darby at ddarby@operationsafehouse.org
Phone: (951) 351-4418 ext. 32Pomona Economic Opportunity Center
http://pomonadaylabor.org/About: This center organizes day laborers in Pomona, Rancho Cucamonga, Riverside, and San Bernardino. They organize against the immigration raids affecting day laborers as well as for their employment and labor rights. The center also provides services and training for day laborers. Spanish language ability & access to a car is required.
Contact: Eddie Gonzalez at eddie8807@yahoo.com
Phone: 323-422-8107Press Enterprise
http://www.pe.com/About: The Press-Enterprise is a Pulitzer Prize-winning daily newspaper published by the Press-Enterprise Corp. that serves the Inland Empire in Southern California. Headquartered in downtown Riverside, California, it is the primary newspaper for Riverside County, with heavy penetration into neighboring San Bernardino County.
Contact: news@pe.com
Riverside All of Us or None
About: Starting Over Inc. is a transitional living and reentry service provider. We help individuals and families overcome homelessness while addressing the many barriers faced by our target population. Starting Over provides direct services, advocacy, and policy engagement for purposes of fostering self reliance and creating leaders from amongst those mist impacted and most in need.Contact: Riversideallofusornone@gmail.com
Phone: 951-898-0862Riverside Courthouse
http://www.riverside.courts.ca.gov/jobs/internshipinfo.shtmlAbout: The court’s Internship Program provides opportunities for current college students, emerging graduates or recent college graduates to explore careers within the Court and at the same time provide meaningful, real world, on-the-job, professional work experiences that allow the intern to apply theoretical knowledge.
An internship is defined as an unpaid, closely monitored, highly structured, strategic, well defined project related program that provides professional work experience outside of the classroom environment. An internship merges academic, personal development, and career exploration in one. Internships are typically part-time and last three to six months but can also last for several years. Although interns are typically learners/trainees, an internship will provide a balanced objective in which the court will have highly capable assistance for project related assignments while at the same time providing meaningful, professional work experiences to meet the interns learning goals and objectives.
Riverside County Coalition for Alternatives to Domestic Violence (ADV)
www.alternativestodv.orgAbout: Riverside County Coalition for Alternatives to Domestic Violence (ADV) is a private, nonprofit organization serving all of western Riverside County, California, with a range of services aimed at breaking the cycle of physical and emotional violence within families and the wider community. If you are interested in volunteering we need help with crisis line and clerical work. The essential duties and responsibilities for a volunteer includes: Operating office equipment, such as fax machines, copiers and telephones, managing high volume multi-line phone system, greeting clients/visitors, and providing direction to appropriate offices, Routing calls for specific programs or of a specific nature to appropriate staff member, have computer knowledge, exceptional communication and presentation skills.
Contact: Florence White, CEO at fwhite@alternativestodv.org
Phone: 951-320-1370San Bernardino County Probation Department
About: The San Bernardino County Probation Department supervises and provides case management services for approximately 20,000 adult offenders, 3500 juvenile offenders, and an additional 500 juveniles detained in two detention and assessment centers. We oversee the placement of over 200 juveniles in private facilities throughout the state. Our officers act as an investigative arm of the San Bernardino Superior and Juvenile Courts, providing sentencing reports and legal recommendations, evaluations, and victim’s services.
Student Interns in our department are valued, appreciated, and the program offers students opportunities to gain hands on experience. They may work in conjunction with Probation Officers in the office, writing memos to the court, and interviewing victims and defendants. They may coordinate recreational activities, facilitate youth programs or verify school attendance. Student Interns may also help at the Juvenile Detention and Assessment Centers by facilitating social awareness programs, mentoring minors, providing tutoring or leading other activities under staff supervision.
Contact: Gi Kim, Probation Officer III at volunteers@prob.sbcounty.gov
Phone: 909-387-6118
Office Address: 175 W. 5th St., Flr 4, San Bernardino, CA. 92415School on Wheels
www.schoolonwheels.orgAbout: School on Wheels, Inc. is a non-profit, organization founded in 1993 by Agnes Stevens, a retired teacher. The mission of School on Wheels is to enhance educational opportunities for homeless children from kindergarten through twelfth grade. Our goal is to shrink the gaps in their education and provide them with the highest level of education possible.
Today, hundreds of volunteers work one-on-one with children whose homelessness prevents them from getting the academic stability and help they desperately need. The heart of School on Wheels’ programs is the volunteer tutors who come from all backgrounds and professions, with a shared goal – to reach out to a child, to teach, to mentor, and assist in their educational life.
Contact: Marisol Farfan at mfarfan@schoolonwheels.org
Phone: 909-347-3033Teamsters Local 1932
http://www.teamsters1932.org/About: Teamsters Local 1932 represents public employees in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. It is currently seeking interns to assist with policy-related research on labor conditions and economic development in the region. The intern should have a strong commitment to economic and social justice and have access to a car.
Contact: Sharon Martinez at smartinez@Teamsters1932.org
Phone: 909-709-3763
Address: 433 N. Sierra Way, San Bernardino, CA 92410Time for Change Foundation
www.timeforchangefoundation.orgAbout: The mission of TFCF is to empower disenfranchised low income individuals and families by building leadership through evidence-based programs and housing to create self-sufficiency and thriving communities. We help homeless women and children, and women who have been incarcerated learn the tools and skills necessary to become self-sufficient. We currently need individuals to watch the children in our program while the mother’s attend their mandatory classes. These are Tuesday-Thursday’s from 5:00pm-8:30pm. Other opportunities are also available, just as contact person, Vanessa.
Contact: Vanessa Perez at vperez@timeforchangefoundation.org
Phone: 909-886-2994 ext. 111Together We Rise
www.TogetherWeRise.orgAbout: A Marketing intern will assist with online National Campaigns raising awareness for foster children by creating and managing social media sites and creating social media impressions in the foster care and non-profit industry. Interns will have the opportunity to learn valuable skills applicable to a variety of fields through a fun, innovative, and creative internship while benefiting foster children across the country and your community. Previous Together We Rise Interns have had the opportunity to travel through our jetBlue partnership, attend star studded charity award shows, host fundraising events, and work directly at the TWR HQ in California. School credit may apply / Stipend is available to qualified applicants.
Contact: Emma Jordan at ej@togetherwerise.org
Phone: 714-784-6760United Food and Commercial Workers
http://www.ufcw.org/About: The ‘Two Sisters’ campaign is organizing workers that package and process meat products for “Fresh and Easy” stores. These employees are mostly women. Most are Latina, but some are black and white workers. They are working in highly exploitative conditions and the workers have experienced unpaid overtime and health and safety violations. Spanish language ability is a plus but not required. The office is located in the nearby city of Bloomington & they often want to do worker outreach in the community, so a car is required.
Contact: Yesenia Cabral at yes.cabral@yahoo.com
Phone: 714-470-5996Warehouse Worker Resource Center
https://www.facebook.com/WarehouseWorkerResourceCenterAbout: This non-profit workers’ center provides legal and other services and resources for warehouse workers in Riverside and San Bernardino counties and their main office is located in Ontario(about 15 minutes west of campus, so access to a car is required). Many warehouse workers are temporary workers and Latino immigrants, about 40% of whom are women. Many are paid very low wages with unstable employment and some face unsafe and/or illegal working conditions. Spanish language ability is a plus but not required, but a strong commitment to social justice is required! If you are interested, please contact the e-mail address below and be available to work at least 5 hours per week. If you have a resume handy, please send it.
Contact: Veronica Alvarado at veroalva2@gmail.com and 323-206-8254
Silvia Carillo at carrillosilvia33@gmail.com and 909-231-3238
Organizations in Los Angeles County (require a car)
CLEAN Carwash Campaign
About: The CLEAN Carwash Campaign is committed to supporting carwash workers who are organizing improve working conditions in the carwash industry in Los Angeles. CLEAN’s vision is building worker power and bringing the industry into compliance with basic federal, state and local laws. Carwash workers are some of the most exploited workers in Los Angeles, many earning as little as $35 for a 10 hour day of work and others earning tips only. CLEAN employs comprehensive strategies that incorporate worker organizing, community organizing, legal enforcement, policy advocacy and direct action to build the worker power necessary to achieve our mission.
Contact: Flor Rodriguez at rodriguez.e.flor@gmail.com
Phone: 323-385-4396Garment Worker Center
http://garmentworkercenter.org/About: The Garment Worker Center (GWC) is a worker rights organization whose mission is to organize low-wage garment workers in Los Angeles in the fight for social and economic justice. GWC addresses the systemic problems of wage theft, unhealthy and unsafe working conditions, and the abusive and inhumane treatment faced by workers on-the-job.
Contact: Marissa Nuncio at gwc@garmentworkercenter.org
Phone: 213-748-5866Los Angeles Alliance for a New Economy (LAANE)
http://www.laane.org/About: Founded in 1993, LAANE is recognized as a national leader in the effort to address the challenges of working poverty, inadequate health care and polluted communities. Combining a vision of social justice with a practical approach to social change, LAANE has helped set in motion a broad movement to transform conditions in Los Angeles and beyond.
Contact: Tim Bowler at tbowler@laane.org
Phone: (213) 977-9400 Ext 108The Beat Within
www.thebeatwithin.orgAbout: The Beat Within is looking for support in the Central Juvenile Hall workshops, which are held every Tuesday from 9 – 12 noon. We hold 1 hour long writing and conversation classes and aim to lead more classes within the juvenile hall. We’d welcome the chance to have student interns co-facilitate workshops, collect writing, type and edit, as well as respond to each piece for our national publication for incarcerated youth which comes out twice a month. Interns will receive training, gain insight into the criminal justice system, and be asked to develop their own ideas about the pros and cons of the existing system, and how to improve some aspect of the dynamics they witness. Workshops will be held at Camp Dorothy Kirby in Commerce, California and at Camp Rockey in San Dimas.
Contact: Lisa Lavaysse at lisalava@thebeatwithin.org
Phone: 415-890-5641
Organizations in Orange County
Anaheim YMCA
http://www.anaheimymca.org/About: We are a community non-profit organization serving youth & families with a variety of programs. Our mission is for Youth Development, Healthy Living and Social Responsibility. We have a very busy HR department due to most of our positions are part-time so we have a lot of new hires and a lot of resignations as our young work force moves forward in their careers after college. The HR Volunteer position assists in the recruitment process (contacting applicants, testing applicants, HR file compliance/filing) termination paperwork, and other misc. HR functions as needed may include HR projects (internal audits, etc). We are looking for a commitment of at least 6 months for at least 10-15 hours per week.
Contact: Laura Parris at lparris@anaheimymca.org
Phone: 714-635-9622 ext. 1505