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Medical Sociology: Affiliated Units


The UCR School of Public Policy (SPP) has a focus on health policy as one of its core areas of faculty expertise and research. In addition to its two faculty members joint-appointed with Sociology (Richard Carpiano and Bruce Link), SPP consists of faculty from other disciplines who conduct research on health and/or other policy issues that closely intersect with health (e.g., immigration, poverty, environment, spatial science). Furthermore, SPP offers doctoral students at UCR the unique opportunity to pursue a Designated Emphasis in Public Policy via additional coursework and a project. For more information on SPP, please visit https://spp.ucr.edu/. For further program requirement information on the Designed Emphasis in Public Policy, please visit https://graduate.ucr.edu/petitions-and-forms.

The UCR Center for Healthy Communities (CHC) is a Community-Engaged Research Center of the UCR School of Medicine. CHC aims to promote and seek funding for innovative community-engaged research that improves the health of communities in Inland Southern California. The center builds bridges with community groups and engages in projects that also involve UCR faculty from a variety of disciplines, including Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Statistics, and Public Health. For more information on CHC, please visit https://healthycommunities.ucr.edu/.

The UCR Department of Social Medicine, Population, and Public Health (SMPPH) is located within the UCR School of Medicine. Its mission is to engage in multidisciplinary education, research, service, and scholarship on the intersections of medicine and society with population and public health. This includes a focus on the social injustices and inequalities that contribute to poor health, the inclusion of oftentimes excluded voices, and the identification of solutions to address systemic change. For further information on SMPPH, please visit https://smpph.ucr.edu/.